I briefly entertained the idea of having two separate blogs to highlight both of my interests. Well guess what? To h$** with that! Excuse my language. I really don't want 2 separate blogs because that is just too much for me to manage. Not to mention it just adds more complication to my life when I am really just wanting to simplify.
The other issue I have been struggling with is that much of my design in both jewelry and home decor is not what is the most popular out there. I mean I love all of the people I follow on Instagram and Facebook but I finally decided that I need to just go with what works for me. So what you may see here may not be what is trending...some might. I am just going to be true to me. I can live with that and I hope that the few readers I have can too. This means that you will see things jump all over the place on this blog. Some of my posts will be about jewelry, some home decor, some cooking. Basically, whatever floats my boat and is interesting to me. I am most interested in just being authentic.
Now that I have that off of my chest, I want to talk about my new dining room set. I have lived with my parent's old hand me down table and chairs from the 90's for about a decade now. It has served us well and I never worried about the scrapes and dings my kids and animals delivered to it. However, the whole time, I secretly detested it. I'm just not into white tile, honey oak, and blue flowers. You may ask why I never refinished it. Well, because it just seemed like too much work for something I new I still wouldn't be satisfied with. Yuck!
The other issue has been that I've never found something that really worked for me. At least not something that didn't cost thousands of dollars. Not exactly rolling in the money here. I have Pottery Barn envy on a Target budget. Sometimes I can't even afford that. Has anyone else noticed how expensive Target can be sometimes?
Well, my husband finally took pity on me and got me a dining set for Christmas! Oh happy day! I ended up piecing my set together from several different places. The table I found at Down East Furniture. I didn't like the chairs that could have come with it. Not quite my style and I've just never been into the matchy matchy look. I found a couple of benches in an understated white finish from Target. The benches just worked better for the limited space I have. Finally, I found two upholstered end chairs from Wayfair. I love that website. L.O.V.E. Really like the chairs too. My kids complain about not getting nice soft chairs to sit in like my husband and I now have. Hmmm, life is tough isn't it.

The whole thing is exactly what I have been looking for all of these years. The table is a nice stained farmhouse trestle style that doesn't clash with my stained cabinets. The benches and chairs, I think, balance it out so the set doesn't look too dark or make my space look heavy from too many wood finishes.
I am sooo happy! I finally have a dining set that doesn't cause me embarrassment or make me cringe every time I think about it. Do you still have furniture you hate and wish you could get rid of? Ya, me too, but now there is 1 less piece I have to hate.
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amazing way to do it. check best kitchen blog https://www.shekitchen.com