I love being home with my kiddos and just being there for them. My mom was there for me when I was entering into the stage in life they are and it was invaluable. It is a huge joy to be more involved with them and all of their activities whereas before it was a huge chore just to do their night time routine with them. I was missing out on sooooo much. There have been sacrifices. My gel nails and toes are gone. I no longer eat out for lunch every day. We treat ourselves to dinner just once a week. Plus, my clothing allowance has been drastically cut...sigh. It is so worth it for our family. I finally feel like I am on top of things! For the last 3 years I have just been running to keep up the best that I could and not feeling like I accomplished anything well.
Another perk is that I am back to doing all of my fun stuff around the house and am making a stab at starting a stamped metal jewelry and home décor business. My hope is it gives me just enough to afford all of those soccer enrollements, piano lessons, cello lessons and the latest is a request to learn parkour from my 10 year old. I hope he doesn't die at an early age. I am excited to see where things are going to head in this great life of mine. At lease I know I am where I feel I need to be...that's a great thing.
Here's just a little sample of the type of jewelry I am selling. Happy hump day!

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