You may have noticed that I've been missing in action lately. Well I've actually picked up a few more hours at work which is good for the finances but not so great for fun stuff.
I've actually been doing a ton of projects but just haven't had the time to edit photos and get the posts written. I also decided it's not worth stressing over. Sooooo, basically I'm going to work on this little old blog whenever I feel like and/or get a chance to. Unfortunately, this may not be very often. (Shrug and eye roll.)
One of the projects I've had a chance to complete, mostly because it was bugging the crap out of me, was this sorry little ottoman. Notice the little tear. No the responsible party was not one of my crazy was my crazy husband.:(
On the other side you'll notice a nice splatter that doesn't want to come off and yes the top is a bit concave. This little $25 dollar piece has definitely done a good job and had hard use. It has supported many propped feet, the occasional rear end, and 4 boys that use it as a jumping platform.
I wasn't ready to give up on it. I was also too cheap to replace it. Out come my amateur sewing skills to make a cover. This cover is made out of a drop cloth and I love the little ruffled skirt that makes it one of the few girly things in my house. I attached some grosgrain ribbon above the ruffle with some stitch witchery (gotta love that stuff) and I have a remade ottoman. One I think is a.dor.a.ble!
Here's the only problem; my boys decided to continue to play with it just as roughly as they did pre-cover. Pretty soon the little ruffle started to detach, aaaand it turns out canvas drop cloths aren't as sturdy as I thought. There are also some nice stains on the top now from my 2 year old using it as a napkin.
Can I not have anything cute in this house? (Picture me in tears because I am totally outnumbered by male insanity.) Oh well, I tried. Now I have two leather ottomans that are easily wipeable in the family room and I hope to repair my cover and move this sweet ottoman to my own room where it might stay intact.

Addicted 2 Decorating
Miss Mustard Seed
French Country Cottage
At the Picket Fence
Tatertots and Jello
Funky Junk Interiors
Positively Splendid
Be Different Act Normal
Sisters of the Wild West
I Heart Naptime
DIY Showoff
A Bowl Full of Lemons
Between Naps on the Porch
Coastal Charm
Today's Creative Blog
How to Nest for Less
Home Stories A to Z
Naptime Delights