Ok, expect this to be my last Valentine's Day post. Seriously, I'm not doing ANY more. Ok, I might have to do some related baking, but that.is.it! I've met my quota. Jeesh, it is a very minor holiday, right?
I posted on my Valentine Vignette yesterday and promised you a look at the wreath I made. I do like to put something on my front door for each holiday...I'm not so grinchish in that regard. I haven't done anything for Valentine's Day so...shut the front door!...haha, I came up with this down and dirty wreath.
It was so simple to put together, it's a bit laughable, but simple has been my style lately. Life with a newborn gives me about 30 minutes for the completion of any project. For this reason, this little wreath was right up my alley.
I got some Valentine's themed fabric at Joann's for 30% off. I cut it into a few strips and started wrapping it around an inexpensive straw wreath. Oh yeah, I broke out the big bucks for this one!;)

Then I decided it needed some more googaas and I've been admiring all of the yarn wreaths out there. Again, I was too lazy or time deprived to wrap the whole wreath so I just did a few sections of yarn. I added a bit of ric rac too. Finally, I added an ornament and some sparkly foam hearts (from Joann's again) and I was done. It's all stuck together with some of the best stuff on earth...hot glue

I now have a little bit of Valentine's on my front door and I "look" festive for the neighbors. Of course, that's all a front.

Tatertots and Jello
Addicted 2 Decorating
Funky Junk Interiors
Positively Splendid
Sisters of the Wild West
DIY Showoff
Design, Dining, and Diapers
Toys in the Dryer