Awhile ago we were gifted some used lumber that we figured we could use for projects around the yard.
This is the first of two or three things we plan to build with our freebies.
The cement pad you see in the bottom right hand side of the following picture is where we had a hot tub sitting. We had to haul it out because the whole base of the stupid thing was rotting out. Ever since then, the space has been cement, bare dirt and rocks. Real attractive huh?
My husband terraced the space, which I though was a pretty brilliant idea, and added some interest with varying heights. Looking at this picture, I now realize how UUUG.LY that block retaining wall is!
He lined the corners with some chicken wire and landscape fabric so we wouldn't have dirt washing out from the bottom of the beds. The dirt came from the never ending pile we had delivered during the springtime and is S.T.I.L.L sitting in the driveway. Our neighbors love us. ;)
I bought some flowers, and a trumpet vine which I hope will grow up the wall and add some green to all that gray.
We also cleaned up the cement pad to make everything even more attractive.
I love it. I now have one more space to plant flowers and add color to my somewhat drab back yard/deck area. Brings a smile to my face!
Here's another view for ya'll to enjoy.
Hope you have a happy weekend!

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